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Quickfire questions:

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Favourite movie of all time? - Pretty Woman. Classic! 

Early bird or night owl? - I was a night owl until my daughter came along!

Favourite colour? - Love a cream/beige tone. 

Dream car? - Got to be a blacked out Chelsea Jeep!

Dream travel destination? - Dubai or The Maldives!

Favourite app on your phone? - Hmm, probably instagram.

Favourite song? - Dreamer by livin joy, 90's all day. 

Dream job as a child? - Ballerina!

Grace's Story

Grace in an invaluable member of our team who takes care of everything behind the scenes. With her versatile skill set and exceptional attention to detail, Grace ensures the smooth operation of various crucial tasks, from administrative duties to candidate search support.


As our dedicated back-of-house support specialist, Grace handles a wide range of responsibilities with finesse and precision. From creating and managing invoices to following up on payments, formatting CVs to maintaining our social media presence and website, Grace is adept at handling diverse tasks that keep our operations running smoothly. Her proficiency in these areas allows our team to focus on delivering exceptional service to our clients and candidates.


Grace also plays a pivotal role in our candidate search process. She collaborates closely with our recruitment team, assisting in creating relevant long lists of candidates for specific roles. Her meticulous approach ensures that we have a comprehensive pool of qualified candidates to consider for each position.


I'm always looking to grow my network.Feel free to reach out on either phone or email:

+44 (0)1827 338 312

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